onsdag 4. november 2015

Mediabook chapter 1

Hey again. Today im gonna write as short as possible the first chapter of my book :)

                                Chapter 1: Shout it out

What is communication?
Media is a thing that helps us to communicate. We communicate since we are born. The first thing a baby do is to shout or cry. After some time baby learns to communicate. It cries when it needs food or drink.

Animals communicates too. If you are owner of a cat or a dog that you will know when your animal needs food or go out and pee. For example if a dog wants to pee it stands in front of the door and tries to get out.

Remember: It's not possible to not communicate.
Sender >  Receiver > The Message
A communication process has at least two parts: a sender and the receiver. A sender is that person that has the message. Receiver is that one that recive the message. The message is something to think about.

Personal communication:
Personal communication is short said a conversation between to persons. It is called
Bidiretional Communication.

Mass Communication:
If you write an article in newspaper or blog in this reason you mass communicate. A lot of people can read what you are writing. This time the communication goes only one way. Its becouse that no one can answer on a newspaper article or talk to the radio.

The word " Medium" is from latin and it means "thing in the middle" or " in between". Tv, newspapers, internett and radio is good exaple on what a medium is. Our body is also a kind of medium. When we talk we communicate. We communicate with body language too. Back to the word medium. Newspaper is a medium becouse its in the middle. It's between you and sender or journalist. And newspaper contains the message.

Medium process:
To get everything work in ''Media World" so everything has to be in right order. When a sender is talking on the radio or writing an article, he things of what he is saing. Someone can misunderstand what he means so everything must be precisely.

Text and Pictures:
Media process is concentrating on sender, message and receiver, but Text modell is concentrating on receiver and understanding messages.

Smiley is a character
@ is a character
G is a character
Red tskirt is a character
Green traffic light is a character

Characters are helping us in all kinds of communication. A character is something that shows us something else than itself. We are so good to understand characters that we don't even know it. Our brain is very big archieve. For example if we look at green light while we drive that we automatically drive and we don't thing of what green light means. Next example is word guitar. Someone will think about electric guitar that Iron Maidon use and someone will think about classic guitar.

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