mandag 9. mai 2016

New YouTube Channel!

                                        B4B1 is coming

Hey guys. I want to tell you something. I have youtube channel as you know. But to be honest i give up with this one. My class mates aren't helping me but they try to make it hard to me and comment a lot of shit. But! I made a new youtube channel that they don't know about.

Here is the link to the channel:

If you subscribed the old channel so now you can subscribe the new one too :)

tirsdag 8. mars 2016

Box Project

                                     Finally Finished!

Hello guys! In last 3 weeks we were working with a box. Here I mean that we have chosen our own product ( that doesn't really exist) and make a box to it. And we are gonna make a poster, video commercial and write a raport. It was a big project. Now Im finished with the box and this week we are gonna make some records to video commercial. Here is my box:
 I hope you like it. Comment what was good and what could be better. See ya soon 

torsdag 25. februar 2016

Youtube Channel!

                                 More than 10 subscribes! :)

Hello guys! As you know I have a youtube channel. And the number of subscribes has gone up to 17 and nuber of views up to 70 after 2 videos! Only thing i want to say is thank you and these words go to every single one of you who are reading this blogg. :)

tirsdag 12. januar 2016

Street Photography

                                                              Pictures in Danmarksplass

Hey guys! Today we had a photography lesson. Our job was to go out at take some pictures of people. The point wa that people shouldn't see that we  make picture or we could ask for taking the picture. I chose the harder option. And here you go! Here are three of my pictures. One of pictures I called Ninja. You will easly know what picture it is. And look at his finger on right side :P

mandag 11. januar 2016

Drawings from 2015

                     Close to half-year grade

It's only 4 days until we get our grades from autumn 2015. Im wondering what i get :P Our drawing teacher ( Siggen) wanted to see all our drawing tommorow. I hope he will like them. Drawings are also graded. What you think?



YouTube Chanel

                               Bablus PoLanD

Hey guys. I waited for that moment very long time! And there it is! First video on my youtube channel. There was a lot of tries and hard work. But finnaly it's finished. My first video is about a little popular game called : Shower with your daddy simulator 2015 :P  It's very weird name but if you see the video, it won't be that weird. It will be funny. While leaving the video, don't forget to leave Like, Comment and Sub!

Warning! Channel is Only in Polish!!

Link to the channel :

Have Fun!